Monday, November 17, 2014

2014 Midterm Election Analysis


I know...I know...I'm late.  I posted on my Facebook page the day after the elections that I was going to write my analysis of the 2014 Election.  Life gets in the way sometimes.  My daughter wants to play with Daddy, and I'm writing papers on the views of old, dead political philosophers.  This is to say that writing my next blog entry was not on my radar.  Now that I have some time to write, I will now give my analysis of the 2014 Election. Being that every pundit or "know-it-all" (I probably fit into one of those categories) has given their thoughts on the election, this post will be short and sweet.

Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo famously said, "We campaign in poetry, but we govern in prose.". were successful in winning more seats in the House, securing your control of the House, you all won gubernatorial elections in several states, and of course, you all won enough seats to take control of the United States Senate, thus having control of both houses of Congress.  CONGRATS!!!  Be careful what you ask for.  Their success is due to:  (1) Playing to the fears and prejudices of their core constituencies, (2) Turning President Obama into the "Boogie Man", (3) Linking Democratic candidates to President Obama and (4) Taking advantage of various events and somehow linking them to President Obama.  However, what is often a person's or group's strength is often their weakness.  Although they were successful in maligning President Obama, they unfortunately didn't inform the American People about THEIR plans for the country.  The GOP's strategy has been simple, yet effective...oppose any and all things President Obama supports, create a false narrative, and don't put forth any substantive proposals that the Democrats can address, oppose or come to some agreement on.  Instead we get:   "WE HATE OBAMACARE!!!  REPEAL IT!!!".  "Obama was responsible for the Ebola virus spreading!!!".  "He salutes while drinking coffee."  "Obama is acting like a KING because of his use of Executive Orders."  Superficial tactics are effective in winning elections, but are ineffective in governance.  The GOP, especially Congressional Republicans have to start acting like adults, and govern.  The "Kenyan Socialist" Narrative is tired, and despite President Obama's dismal approval ratings, his approval ratings are higher than Congress...the institution which will now be controlled by the GOP. Regardless of whether one is a Democrat or Republican, all Americans are cynical (to say the least) towards Congress specifically and politics (and politicians) in general.  If the American people feel that Congress is not doing an effective job, then I can almost guarantee that Democrats will again win the White House in 2016, in addition to winning back some House seats and retaining their Senate seats (I do believe Congress will stay in GOP control for several years).  I can't emphasize this enough...GOP, stand for something, instead of standing against someone.  Push forth your own detailed policy agenda.  Continue outreach to communities that historically not been linked to the Republican Party (I applaud what Senator Rand Paul is doing in his outreach to African American Community).  Honestly...I don't think the GOP will stray far from their current course, and that is being the "Anti-Obama" Party.  They simply can't help themselves.  Example...after the election, there were feelings of goodwill and GOP leaders expressing their intent to work with the Obama Administration on certain issues.  That feeling of goodwill did not last long.  There are Republicans talking about impeaching President Obama, holding more congressional hearings on issues that they have already held hearings on, again...repealing Obamacare, and shutting down the government over immigration reform.  They can't help's in their nature.  They somehow feel that their ideological stuborness is cloaked in some false sense of Patrick Henry, "Don't Tread On Me"-patriotism, which will indeed cause gridlock, ill-will and further political cynicism among the public.  It will become clear that the GOP, unfortunately, would rather spend their time attacking President Obama than governing with him.  Congressional careful what you wish for.  To much is given, much is required.

You got your asses whupped!!!  Despite raising more money than the GOP, the Democrats certainly weren't able to use those resources effectively.  The Democrats messaging sucked.  And the candidates they recruited to run in some of these races were suspect.  The Democratic incumbents came off looking incompetent (Birth Control...really?  That's so 2012).  But the one strategy that the Democrats employed that was the nail in the proverbial coffin was not aligning themselves with President Obama.  Did the Democrats think that the GOP Opposition Research Department could not search the roll call of Senators and House Members and how they voted on legislation that the White House supported?  They can disavow themselves from the President all they want, but your record is your record.  The Democrats were scared and spineless.  They were more concerned about winning/retaining their seats than standing up for their principles, positions and their President.  Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that the candidates who avoided the President lost.  Who wants a disloyal person, concerned more about their Senate/House seat, representing their interest?  I know I wouldn't. The Democrats ran away from a man who is the first African American President (A first among all major Western nations).  They ran from a man who since he has been in office, the economy has improved significantly.  Unemployment has decreased considerably.  They ran from a man who has done more for the LGBT than any President in the history of this country.  They ran from a man who gave the order to kill Osama Bin Laden.  They ran from the man who saved General Motors.  In addition to that, the Democrats could have ran on issues such as immigration, minimum wage, education, net neutrality, the environment, etc.  They forgot who they are, what their issues are, and threw the man who was responsible for getting many of them elected, under the proverbial bus. deserve to lose.  President need to stop acting passive aggressive and push forth your programs.  Channel your inner-Lyndon B. Johnson.  You're not back-bencher Congressman representing a district.  You're no longer the "Distinguished Gentleman from Illinois".  You represent the country.  You're the Chief of State.  You're the Commander of Chief of the largest military force in the World.  You're the Chief Executive Officer of the largest and most diverse government in the world.  ACT LIKE IT!!!  I see more people on Facebook share your accomplishments of your administration than the White House does. your political and communications staff.  Your messaging was garbage, your recruitment of candidates was God awful (Alison Lundergran Grimes....really?), and the incumbents lacked organization and spines.  The "Stay Away From Obama" strategy was a failure.  Better to "go out" standing on your feet than on your knees.  If the GOP is calling a candidate out as a damned for who you are.  

According to the New York Times, the 2014 Midterm Elections produced the lowest voter turnout in 72 years.  The articles mentioned that in"...43 states, less than half the eligible population bothered to vote, and no state broke 60 percent."  The national turnout was only 36%.  Young people didn't show up like they did in 2012.  African American and Latino turnout also dropped compared to 2012.  All of these groups are Democratic constituencies.  If you are a supporter of the Democratic Party, and didn't vote and/or encourage others to vote, see the results.  SHAME ON YOURSELVES!!!  The same people who didn't vote, will be the ones who bitch and moan the most.  And for those who did vote...that's great, but voting is the easy part.  Are you now going to hold public officials accountable, or are you going to be the person who continues to bathe oneself in the glow of your television while watching the latest reality t.v. show.  As I have constantly stated, the problem with this country is the American Voter, not the politicians.  As Plato said, "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors".  You like mediocrity...well...YOU GOT IT!!!

Partisan and ideological loyalties aside, I do pray that Democrats and Republicans alike can be respectful of each other, despite having differences on how this country is ran and in what direction this country is to go.  Enough of the gridlock...get stuff done.  Unlike much of the public, I have a great respect for Congress as an institution, and in the hands of the right people, Congress can become a place where the national interest is more important than self-interest.

That's the Marc-Up.  MEETING ADJOURNED!!!

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