Cantor campaign manager blames Dems | TheHill
Friday, June 13, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The political landscape was rocked yesterday as Virginia Congressman and House GOP Majority Leader lost in the Virginia Republican Primary in the 7th Congressional District to political novice and economic professor, David Brat. Eric Cantor is the first House Majority Leader to lose in a primary since the Majority Leader was created in 1899. Eric Cantor was the darling of the GOP and the Conservative Movement since first elected to Congress in 2000, assuming office in January of 2001. He moved up steadily through the House Leadership ranks, first becoming Chief Deputy Republican Whip in 2002, then being elected House Minority Whip in 2008. In the GOP takeover of the House in the 2010 elections, Cantor became the House Majority Leader, becoming the 2nd Highest Ranking House Member behind the Speaker of the House (John Boehner), and was considered the leader of the House GOP. He has the distinction of being the highest ranking Jewish Member of Congress in history, and is currently the only Jewish Republican in Congress.
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House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA-7th)-Picture Courtesy of the New York Times |
As stated above, Leader Cantor, in his capacity as a representative, represents the 7th Congressional District of Virginia. His district consists of the whole of Culpeper, Goochland, Hanover, Louisa, Madison, Orange, Page, and Rappahannock Counties, with parts of Caroline, Chesterfield, Henrico and Spotsylvania Counties also being represented. The 7th District is an oddly shaped district, with most of the area being rural, sub-rural, with a few suburban areas. This district has historically been a Republican/Conservative district, voting for GOP candidates on the state and federal levels, and is heavily favored to stay in Republican hands in the general election in November. Leader Cantor scored an "80% or Higher" rating from the American Conservative Union, right along far-right Conservatives such as Congressman Louis Goehmert of Texas and Congressman Steven King of Iowa. He gets a "100%" rating from the National Right to Life. In 2012, the National Rifle Association said in their endorsement of Leader Cantor, that his “...steadfast leadership and support of the Second Amendment
has been instrumental in passing numerous pro-gun and pro-hunting bills
in Congress,” and “ a result, he has earned our support...". And despite joining the Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives, Leader Cantor has supported the attitudes behind the Tea Party, stating in 2010, that the "...Tea Party is born out of this deep-rooted frustration of lack of
leadership in Washington and a real anger at the fiscal
mismanagement here." He is the epitome of what a small government/social conservative is supposed to be. So how did the "Darling of the Republican Party" lose in the GOP primary to an economics professor who never held any political office, and raised only $200,000 to Eric Cantor's $5 Million dollars? SHORT ANSWER: He wasn't conservative enough.
As stated before, Leader Cantor comes from a Republican/Conservative District. It's overwhelmingly white, it's rural in many areas, and the levels of education in the district are less than those of the congressional districts in Northern Virginia (8th, 9th and 10th). There are also pockets of his district that live well below the poverty line. In Page County, for example, 15% of the people live under the poverty line, well above the average in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In Rappahannock County, 11% of the people live under the poverty line, 13% in Madison County, 10% in Louisa County, 11% in Orange County. These are the people who have a sense of entitlement and believe their country is being taken from them. That despite the Conservative Movement's mantra of "Personal Responsibility", they often blame government, minorities, gays, liberals, environmentalists for every problem on Earth. They believe their guns are going to be taken away from the Muslim-Socialist President. These views and attitudes reflect and embrace an anti-government sentiment that speaks to Culpeper County's motto, "Liberty or Death-Don't Tread On Me". With all being said, and considering Leader Cantor's stellar conservative record, one question comes up...HOW CONSERVATIVE DO YOU HAVE TO BE? Conservative "Street Cred" is becoming a litmus test within the GOP, that is causing a significant amount of infighting in the last few years. As a result, establishment Republicans feel the need to identify with the Tea Party, or move further to the political right in order to win re-election. Moderate Republicans are all but extinct in the Republican Party, and as we see with this election, Establishment Republicans are now being beat by candidates who represent more "intense" views.
In a recent interview with Fox News, David Brat, the Republican nominee and odds-on favorite to win the general election, said that "Our founding was built by people who were political philosophers, and we
need to get back to that, away from this kind of cheap political
rhetoric of right and left". (1) The reason why Plato, Aristotle, John Locke, Karl Marx, Edmund Burke, Adam Smith or any other political philosopher ever served in government, is because it is easier to criticize, make grandiose statements and write esoteric treatises about government, than it is to serve. They lack the set of complex skills that it takes to be an effective politician. What this country DOESN'T need is philosophers or ideologues. We need public servants, who will serve their country first and get the job done. The Tea Party is not about the people they serve, they are about their "cause". Check the record of any Tea Party Caucus member, and see how many bills they sponsored, how many co-sponsors signed on to the bill, and how many of those bills got to the President's desk for signature. Not many. And (2) Mr. Brat speaks to " political rhetoric of right and left". Cheap political rhetoric, unfortunately, is what the Tea Party specializes in. They are a party that thrives on divisiveness, not just amongst Democrats, but among members of their own party. They are political agitators who set a foundation and push forth an agenda that more radical groups have identified with and latched onto. Look up quotes by Congressman Louis Gohmert, Steven King, Michelle Bachmann, Ted Cruz, etc. You may agree with some of their views, but do you feel that there views are practical for passing legislation that will benefit this country? The simple answer is...NO!!! This is why Congress can't get anything done. Because you have "amateurs", who are not qualified to be the County Dog Catcher, much less a Member of Congress. Anybody can be an "ideologue", pontificating about this and that view of government, but only the committed should be public servants? Anybody can be a "philosopher", but can you be a patriotic pragmatist? It is analogous to being a professor of military tactics and history at a service academy, and a soldier in the field. Just because you are a professor of military tactics, does not mean you will be an effective soldier
This election speaks to a bloc of people who are so fed up, so angry, so desperate, that they will elect any person to represent their interests, even though they already had someone who represented (effectively, I may add) their interests. But the people of the 7th Congressional District will soon learn that the "grass is not always greener on the other side".
And that's the Marc-Up...MEETING ADJOURNED!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The 25 Best Burgers in the DC Met- Picture Courtesy of Washingtonian Magazine |
People often ask me, "Where do you find these places?", with regards to restaurants. I use many sources. Word of Mouth, foodie sites such as Eater (DC).Com or A Hamburger Today, restaurant critics such as Tom Sietsema (Food Critic for the Washington Post), consumer referral site Yelp, television shows on the Cooking Channel, Food Network, and the Travel Channel. I also get information from magazine publications such as Northern Virginia Magazine and the Washingtonian Magazine.
Being the burger fanatic that I am, when I saw the Annual "Cheap Eats" issue of the Washingtonian Magazine, with the feature article being the "25 Best Burgers" in the DC Met Area, I was immediately interested. I checked out the article, and I was happy to see some of the places I have been to, I found out some places that I want to go to, and I was disappointed at some of the restaurants they chose to be on the list and some that I felt they left off the list. However, this is not so much an opinion post, as it is an informative post. I am going to post the list here, you can go to some of these places, and argue amongst yourselves. The ratings, I believe, are not in an order of importance or value. Anyways, HAPPY EATING. This is the Marc-Up...MEETING adjourned!!!
(*) Asterisk indicates restaurants that I have gone to (May have or may not have ordered the burgers listed).
(1) The Shackburger at Shake Shack (Location(s): NW and SE Washington, D.C.)
(2) The Bacon Cheeseburger at the Green Pig Bistro (Location(s): Arlington, Virginia)
(3) The Mack at Ray's to The Third (Location(s): Arlington, Virginia) *
(4) Bison Burger with Pesto at Silver Diner (Location(s): Numerous locations in the DC Met Area) *
(5) Mini Burgers at the Source (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(5) Mini Burgers at the Source (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(6) Prime Angus Truffle Burger at Food Wine and Company (Location(s): Bethesda, Maryland)
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Prime Angus Truffle Burger at Food and Wine Company-Picture Courtesy of Marvic "The General" L-Yelp |
(7) Sacre' Bleu at Holy Cow (Location(s): Alexandria, Virginia)
(8) Burger Americain at Le Diplomate (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(9) Bacon Cheeseburger at Mintwood Place (Locations(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(10) Cheeseburger at Five Guys (Locations(s): Numerous locations in the DC Met Area) *
(11) Baja Turkey Burger at The Counter (Location(s): Reston, Virginia) *
(12) Lamb Burger at Bourbon Steak (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(13) Prez Obama Burger at Good Stuff Eatery (Locations(s): NW and SE Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Virginia) *
(11) Baja Turkey Burger at The Counter (Location(s): Reston, Virginia) *
(12) Lamb Burger at Bourbon Steak (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(13) Prez Obama Burger at Good Stuff Eatery (Locations(s): NW and SE Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Virginia) *
(14) Onion-Soup Burger at Poste (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(15) Fish Burger at Westend Bistro (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(16) Lobster Burger at Central (Locations(s): NW Washington, D.C.) *
(16) Lobster Burger at Central (Locations(s): NW Washington, D.C.) *
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The Lobster Burger at Central-Picture Courtesy of Kimberly K-Yelp |
(17) Patty Melt at Bidwell (Location(s): NE Washington, D.C.)
(18) Veggie Burger at Woodmont Grill (Location(s): Bethesda, Maryland)
(19) The Original at Red Apron Butcher (Location(s): NW and NE Washington, D.C. and Fairfax, Virginia)
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"The Original" at Red Apron Burger-Picture Courtesy of Marc Johnson |
(20) The Daffy at 2491 (Location(s): Falls Church, Virginia)
(21) Proper Burger at Duke's Grocery (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(22) Mini-Hamburguesas at Jaleo (Locations(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(23) Shrimp Burger at Proof (Locations(s): NW Washington, D.C.)
(24) Wellington at BGR The Burger Joint (Location(s): Numerous locations in the DC Met Area) *
(25) New Mexico Burger at Bobby's Burger Palace (Location(s): NW Washington, D.C., College Park, Maryland, Bethesda, Maryland, and Woodbridge, Virginia)
Thursday, June 5, 2014
We Have A Long Way To Go....
I know that I am going to hear the familiar arguments and/or excuses regarding this incident. Such as: (1) This was six years ago...why are we bringing this up now? (2) Again...why is it OK for African Americans to say "nigger" and white people cannot? Or (3) Privacy Issues/Freedom of Speech...BLAH-BLAH-BLAH. To answer Questions #2 and #3, I would have to write an entire new blog post addressing those questions, which I won't do. To answer Question #1, I believe that people are bringing it up again, because this was not to be the last incident of him using the word "nigger". According to CNN.Com, a year later, he was caught on tape asking "Why are black people afraid of chain saws?", for which he answered, "Run Nigger, Nigger, Nigger, Nigger...", which is supposed to simulate the sound of a chain saw.
I could go off on some militant rant, where I rail against Justin Bieber, but that is low hanging fruit. This blog post is to address the institutional racism that is still ever present in American Society. Despite progress insofar as the advancement of African Americans in American Society, and the cultivation of positive relationships among different races and ethnic groups, statements made by Donald Sterling, and Justin Bieber, or incidents such as the Trayvon Martin murder (Yes...I said "murder") illustrate one thing....WE HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO!!!
African Americans, after almost 400 years in this country, are mainstreaming more into the whole of American Society more than ever before. Oprah Winfrey is revered among people of all races. There are African American CEO's of Fortune 500 Companies. The most famous athletes in the world, arguably, are African Americans. An African American was elected to the Office of President of the United States. With all of these accomplishments, many feel that racism is over, or that we live in a "Post-Racial Society". Nothing can be farther from the truth. In 2013, Oprah Winfrey was attacked by Conservative Nut Job/Circus Ring Leader, Rush Limbaugh, in response to Oprah making honest, yet non-threatening comments about racism in America (CLICK HERE to read the article). Regarding African American CEO's of Fortune 500 companies, currently there are only six African American CEO's of Fortune 500 (1.2%) Companies (CLICK HERE to read the article). It is great that many of the most famous athletes in the world are African Americans, but African American ownership is a rare breed. In the National Basketball Association (NBA), out of 30 teams, there is only one majority African American owner, in a league in which 77-78% of the players are African American. In the National Football League (NFL), 66% of the players are African American, yet there are NO African American majority owners. And yes...we have an African American President, although it only took 219 years and 42 Presidents for that to occur, but whose counting. Further, while Candidate Barack Obama was running for the presidency, he was placed under Secret Service protection earlier than any other presidential candidate in history, due to violent threats, because of his race (Jesse Jackson, while running for the presidency, also received early Secret Service protection, for the same reason). The historic election of President Barack Obama, which provided the United States an opportunity to show the best of what this country could offer, brought out the ugliness that was bubbling under the surface. According to the Southern Poverty Legal Center, a renowned organization which tracks hate groups across the United States, reported that the "...number of 'Patriot' groups, including armed militias, skyrocketed following the election of President in 2008-rising 813%, from 149 groups in 2008 to an all-time high of 1,360 in 2012. The number fell to 1,096 in 2013."
In fact, many in the African American Community want our White brothers and sisters to be as pissed off as we are about the racial climate that still exists in this country. We would rather have White Americans with us, instead of making charges of racism against the White Community. Unfortunately, some in the White Community do not have the courage to stand up to racism, because of fears of being thought of or labeled as a "traitor" (at worse) or a "liberal" (at best). Some are fearful that relationships could be severed among friends and family members if they choose to stand up for an issue as polarizing as racism and for a righteous cause such as equality (Especially with regards to racism against African Americans). We know that there were many White Americans during the Civil Rights Movement who had the courage to stand with us. They took beatings, they faced isolation from their friends and family, and some even died for the movement. We need that level of commitment today, although we don't necessarily ask our White brothers and sisters to die on our behalf, we simply ask them to truly make an attempt to understand. To show some empathy, and to realize what Dr. King said, when he said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Listening to rap music, liking soul food, or having some "black friends" is not sufficient. There are people who love Mexican food, yet hate the "wetbacks" who cook the food, and feel that they are responsible for taking all of the food jobs in the country (That's another conversation for another day). As Justin Bieber is realizing, singing his form of R&B music, having rappers collaborate on his songs, wearing "urban clothing", and coming under the mentorship of Usher, doesn't mean squat, if you embrace attitudes and use words that undermine the very people (and culture) who have helped you in your rise to fame. America has to understand, that we still have a long way to go in addressing and coming to grips with racism. How? By talking to each other, instead of talking about each other. To educate each other without being so offended, that we don't listen to each other. We need to start developing a level of racial and cultural empathy that creates a level of racial integrity in all of us, where we can be friends in public, and not call each other "nigger" or "cracker" in private.
Again, progress has been made, but the Donald Sterlings, Justin Biebers, and George Zimmermans of the world serve as reminders that we have a long road ahead of us. As Americans, we will have to decide whether that road will be a bumpy one, or a paved one.
And that's THE MARC-UP!!! Meeting adjourned.
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