"The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter"-Sir Winston Churchill
When there is a problem with this government....whenever the citizenry
of this country feels that they are left out of the process, they like
to remind their elected officials that the Unites States is a democracy.
Unfortunately they would be incorrect. The word "democracy" comes
from the Greek word "Demokratia". "Demos" means "people" and "Kratia"
means "power". This refers to the direct democracies of Ancient
Greek city-states where ANY citizen who wanted to be heard could be
heard, and could fully participate in the operations of government. The
principles behind this form of governing were laudable, but the execution
of this form of governance proved to be ineffective. Entire
city-states of people debating issues, with little organization, and
most citizens not having a grasp of the issues. These direct
democracies became "bitch-fests" for those who were charismatic, manipulative
and were able to inflame the passions of people for political advantage. A more effective form of
government had to be created using Democratic principles, yet operating
in an organized and more streamlined fashion. This form of government
is known as a "Representative Democracy"....or commonly referred to as a
Republic. The United States is a Democratic Republic, where the power is vested in the people, but laws are made by persons that citizens
elect to represent their interests. There is one main problem with
Republics. A Republic requires its citizens to be well-informed about
issues (community and nationwide), and have the ability to properly
"vett" candidates for public office who have the intelligence, ability
and integrity to serve them. Republics are successful, when they have a
citizenry that constantly petitions their elected officials, and holding
them accountable during their time in office. You all are probably asking yourselves, "Why is he giving us a political science lesson on democracy?". I'm getting to that.
Like everyone else, I have an opinion about the government shutdown. It is an awful situation which seriously affects the daily lives of government workers, impedes the economy of the United States, hurts the security of this country and sullies the reputation of the United States. I have friends of mine who have been furloughed because of this mess. I'm not going to get into the politics behind the budget, because that is not the subject of this blog post. I won't get into a debate about the Affordable Care Act either. I will say that certain Members of Congress are going about their business the wrong way, and they ought to be ashamed of how they are representing themselves, their constituents, and the country at large. On the issue of the budget, the debt ceiling, or any number of important issues, Members of Congress continue to make asses out of themselves, while the country has to suffer for it.
With all of that said, in the past few days, weeks, months and years, I have read the Facebook posts of friends and family frustrated by any number of issues, in addition to the budget and subsequent shutdown of the federal government. Friends and family constantly talk about how bad "the system" is, and how bad politicians are. After awhile, I get frustrated by the constant self-righteous moaning and groaning of an electorate that believes civic participation begins and ends on Election Day. The "Just Enough" Paradigm of Civic Participation has contributed greatly to the malfunction, dysfunction and decline of the American Political System. If the American People want to know what's wrong with politics today, they need to take a long look in the mirror. I am not outright blaming the citizens of this country for the current budget crisis. However, if the American People were more proactive and attentive, instead of being reactive and disinterested, then perhaps we would have a well informed electorate who would know the issues, elect the right people to represent them, and to care enough to make sure that elected official do their damn job. In the Bible, specifically in the 2nd chapter of James, it says "Faith without works is dead." As for the American People, outrage without action contributes to an ineffective government. Yelling, ranting, posting ignorant status updates, will not change the way Washington works, and is not a substitute for civic participation. Calling someone a "conservative" or a "liberal" as if they are epithets, doesn't inspire constructive dialogue. Like any Democratic Republic, politicians are merely a reflection of the people they represent. If you have dysfunctional politicians, more than likely, you have a dysfunctional electorate. If you still don't understand, let me provide you with an example.
A 25-year old kid is looking to buy his first new car. He was just hired to be a courier for a delivery company. Buying the right car and maintaining the car is key to his employment, in addition to driving it for personal use. First, he must do research on the car he wants to buy. He asks himself some questions: What's the price of the vehicle? Do I want a car or a SUV? What kind of gas mileage does this vehicle get? Does it have a reputation for being reliable? Will this vehicle make my insurance go through the proverbial roof? Will the vehicle be able to accomodate the items that I will be delivering? He is what is known as an "informed consumer". He then goes through the process of buying the vehicle. Then comes the matter of maintenance. He has to change his oil every 3,000 miles, or every 3 months. He has to make sure that his brakes work properly, and has sufficient brake fluid. He has to make sure that his wheels are aligned. The tires on the car have to be the right size, the tread can't be worn, and they have to have the right amount of air in them. This is called "preventive maintenance". By consistently maintaining his car (In a timely manner), he will save money, he won't be stressed out, and because he is not taking his car to the mechanic all the time, he will not miss time at his job. He treats his car well, thus the car treats him well. Let's take another 25-year old kid, who was also hired to work as a courier for the same delivery company. He is also looking to buy his first new car. Like his co-worker, buying the right car and maintaining his car is key to his employment, in addition to driving it for personal use. Unlike his co-worker, this young man is more concerned about the aesthetics of the vehicle, as oppose to it's cost, reliability, gas mileage, or the reputation of the vehicle. He wants an expensive sports car that has a shaky reputation and costs a fortune to maintain. His insurance will be sky-high, the gas mileage is crappy, and the vehicle will not have the room to transport the items that he is paid to deliver. All he is concerned about is how good the sound system is, and if the vehicle has chrome rims on it. To hell with the fact that Consumer Reports gave this vehicle a failing grade. Despite all of the information provided, he goes on and overpays for this expensive "statement" car. He doesn't take the time or money to maintain it. He doesn't take it to get cleaned. The front end is misaligned, which takes a wear and tear on his tires. He gets the oil changed every now and then, thus placing pressure on the transmission to do more than what is required. His car is constantly in the shop, and he is paying more in repair costs than he should. He is constantly calling his boss, requesting time off, due to problems with his vehicle. Lastly, his car note and insurance premiums are ridiculously high, and because of the high performance-nature of the car, he has to fuel his car with premium gas, which costs him $250 a month. He didn't rule the car, the car ruled him. He eventually lost his job, is in debt, and can't go to job interviews because his car remains in the shop. If he was proactive, instead of reactive, he would have a better quality of life.
Most Americans, with regards to civic participation, are like the latter car owner. They don't do their research on the issues. The electorate tend not to "vett" candidates who are running for elected office, instead voting the party line. Most people are attracted to the unqualified, unintelligent, communication-deficient, ideological candidate, instead of the sensible, intelligent, practical candidate, who happens to be an effective communicator. Because people are too lazy to do their own research, they rely on Fox News and MSNBC, and hyper-partisan websites to provide them with sometimes questionable information that play to their ideological leanings. They don't attend town hall meetings, call their Members of Congress, and/or write their elected officials. They just vote on Election Day, go home to scratch their collective asses while watching "American Idol", and the only interaction they have with the government after the election(s) is getting their drivers license at the DMV or filing their federal income tax with the IRS. Government does not operate on remote control. Government requires a citizenry that cares enough about the government to put the right people in charge to run it. Citizens need to be proactive and maintain the quality of their government by monitoring their public officials, reading the party platforms, tracking legislation, attending meetings and making your voice heard. It doesn't take a lot of time to do these things. It is your duty as an American Citizen to take "intellectual umbrage" with the government. The Greek philosopher, Plato once said that "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." If Americans continue to be slothful in their approach to politics, then they are ensuring that inferior politicians will govern them with impunity, take them down the road of malfunction and dysfunction, and cause political paralysis.
We call politicians "idiots", "assholes" or worse. Are they? Maybe!!! Americans are demanding that Members of Congress not take salary during the shutdown. Will that help Americans feel good? Will it change the American Political Landscape No, to both questions (And by the way, regardless of how people feel about Congress, Members of Congress are essential employees, for the mere fact that Congress is essential to the operation of the Federal Government)!!! Should Americans be considered "idiots" and "assholes" because they take an inactive role in their government's activities? Should Americans have to forgo their salaries, because they are bad citizens? If Members of Congress and their staffers were polled, I wonder what the approval rating would be of the American Public?
I have heard from a few people that because of Congressional Ineffectiveness, Members of Congress should be term-limited. I always laugh when the issue of term limits come up. When someone mentions that to me, I give the same answer, "WE HAVE TERM LIMITS...THEY ARE CALLED ELECTIONS". The conspiracy theorists will say "The fix is in...elections are rigged". The 2010 mid-term Congressional Elections prove that theory wrong, when the Republicans obtained control of the U.S. House of Representatives. Many Democratic Staffers lost their jobs because of that election, including myself. If you know of an ineffective elected official, you organize, you volunteer, you donate to a responsible candidate who can replace that official. A restaurant will continue to serve the same crappy food, with the same level of crappy service until enough patrons demand change. You wouldn't ask a restaurant to stay open only for a few years, because a certain number of restaurants around the neighborhood are culinary f**k-ups. Get off of your ass and get involved. Term Limits are for the lazy and weak, who can't take enough time from their so-called busy lives and perform a duty that people have died for.
Some people genuinely do not know where to go to obtain information. Some people do not know what information is reliable. If anyone does not know what to do, please contact me. I can direct you to proper sources, explain the legislative process, how to gauge media information and instruct you how to petition your elected officials. If you don't know who your elected officials are, which a great many people don't, then I can get that information for you. A smart and active electorate can be creators of positive change in this country. We can avoid situations like the government shutdown, simply by voting in the right people, and being as smart, if not smarter than those who we chose to represent us. Stop falling for propaganda...ignore Rush, ignore Rachel, and search your own hearts as to who and what you are, and what issues you support and don't support. Just because your father was a Republican, doesn't mean you have to be. But again, the most important thing is to stay informed, maintain and act.
Marc, you gonna make me put on my big girl panties and own up to the out right truth in this post. Well done, well done!
ReplyDeleteinteresting opinion.
ReplyDeleteNow drop the mic and step back on em!
ReplyDeleteThis blog is fantastic. sort of like that scene in 8mile when Eminem goes on everybody.
Mark....Greatly reading, I love the blog. Voter education and activism is likely not a singular solution. I would suggest that Congress is merely representing the American People exactly as many have chosen and desire to be represented. Intolerance of alternative opinion and the inability to promote or sustain civil discourse crushes the presumption of compromise in governing. What we used to describe as "fringe" is now mainstream behavior. The Hill is merely presenting the not-so-pretty portrait of society today. You can fire the photograher but unless the camera is focused, the picture still sucks.